Wonderful Life

The digital billboards glowing in the gray haze all seem to say no and the poinsettias lining the median at Sunset Plaza are dying and fog keeps enveloping the towers in Century City and the world becomes a science fiction move — because none of it really has anything to do with me. It's a world where getting stoned is the only option. Everything becomes more vague and abstract since every desire and every whim that had been catered to constantly in that last week of December is now gone and I don't want to replace it with anyone else because there's no substitute — the teen porn sites seem different, repainted somehow, nothing kicks in, it doesn't work anymore — and so I re-create almost hourly in my mind the sex that happened in the bedroom over those eight days she was here and when i try to to outline a script that I've been lazy about it comes out half sincere and half ironic because Rain's failure to return calls or text back becomes a distraction and then, only three days after she leaves, it officially becomes an obstacle.

Video: Hurts – Wonderful Life
Tekst: Brett Easton Ellis – Imperial Bedrooms



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