Senzor AM 700

De onregelmatige maar toch met enige regelmaat terugkerende mixsessie bomvol nieuwe muziek:



Pondertone – Meanwhile – 8. Give It To You – (Pondertone) – 0:00
Pondertone – Meanwhile – 14. A RatherComplicated Way Of Putting It – (Pondertone) – 4:33
Pondertone – Meanwhile – 18. Once The Impossible – (Pondertone) – 7:32

youbet – Way To Be – 1. Carsick – (Hardly Art) – 10:14
youbet – Way To Be – 3. Nurture – (Hardly Art) – 13:28
youbet – Way To Be – 12. Still – (Hardly Art) – 16:40

Arab Strap – I’m totally fine with it don’t give a fuck anymore – 5. Summer Season – (Rock Action) – 19:18
Arab Strap – I’m totally fine with it don’t give a fuck anymore – 6. Molehills – (Rock Action) – 23:43
Arab Strap – I’m totally fine with it don’t give a fuck anymore – 10. Safe & Well – (Rock Action) – 27:54

Klez.E – Erregung – 1. Erregung – (Windig) – 32:28
Klez.E – Erregung – 4. Mr Dead And Mrs Free – (Windig) – 39:32
Klez.E – Erregung – 5. Düster – (Windig) – 43:04

Nasmak – PM2: Plowing Mud: Time Is A Friend – 1. Square Wheels – (Nasmak P.M.) – 47:04
Nasmak – PM2: Plowing Mud: Time Is A Friend – 3. Hotspot – (Nasmak P.M.) – 51:36
Nasmak – PM2: Plowing Mud: Time Is A Friend – 5. Mood – (Nasmak P.M.) – 57:41

Shellac – To All Trains – 1. WSOD – (Touch And Go) – 1:01:56
Shellac – To All Trains – 3. Chick New Wave – (Touch And Go) – 1:04:20
Shellac – To All Trains – 5. Wednesday – (Touch And Go) – 1:06:42

La Luz – News Of The Universe – 3. Dandelions – (Sub Pop) – 1:09:59
La Luz – News Of The Universe – 4. Poppies – (Sub Pop) – 1:13:26
La Luz – News Of The Universe – 8. I’ll Go With You – (Sub Pop) – 1:16:58

Polski Piach – Anomalia – 1. Third Hand – (Gusstaff) – 1:20:02
Polski Piach – Anomalia – 8. Flight Walk – (Gusstaff) – 1:24:57
Polski Piach – Anomalia – 9. Different Rains – (Gusstaff) – 1:27:18

Adrian Lane – All The Secrets All The Smiles – 6. Pigeon Angel – (Oscarson) – 1:32:20
Adrian Lane – All The Secrets All The Smiles – 8. Reveal The Hidden Side – (Oscarson) – 1:35:25
Adrian Lane – All The Secrets All The Smiles – 13. I Hold My Breath – (Oscarson) – 1:38:07

Mining – Chimet – 2. Petrichor – (Leaf) – 1:40:11
Mining – Chimet – 5. Arise – (Leaf) – 1:45:58

Emika – Haze – 1. (star key) – (Emika) – 1:57:58
Emika – Haze – 5. Ache – (Emika) – 2:04:23
Emika – Haze – 11. Low End – (Emika) – 2:07:27

door Jan Willem Broek



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