Senzor AM 698

De onregelmatige maar toch met enige regelmaat terugkerende mixsessie bomvol nieuwe muziek:



Catherine Graindorge – Songs for the Dead – 1. Eurydice – (Tak:til/ Glitterbeat) – 0:00
Catherine Graindorge – Songs for the Dead – 3. Orpheus’ Head – (Tak:til/ Glitterbeat) – 5:30
Catherine Graindorge – Songs for the Dead – 8. Time is Broken – (Tak:til/ Glitterbeat) – 10:05

Denseland – Code & Melody – 1. Between The Click And The Hush – (Arbitrary) – 15:50
Denseland – Code & Melody – 6. Sample The World – (Arbitrary) – 20:55
Denseland – Code & Melody – 8. Beyond Decision – (Arbitrary) – 25:10

Rutger Zuydervelt – Kites (Music For A Performance By Roshanak Morrowatian) – 2. Places (Featuring Roshanak Morrowatian) – (Machinefabriek) – 28:40
Rutger Zuydervelt – Kites (Music For A Performance By Roshanak Morrowatian) – 3. Hops & Games – (Machinefabriek) – 37:10
Rutger Zuydervelt – Kites (Music For A Performance By Roshanak Morrowatian) – 7. Landscaping – (Machinefabriek) – 41:54

Kee Avil – Spine – 3. remember me – (Constellation) – 46:07
Kee Avil – Spine – 6. Gelatin – (Constellation) – 49:43
Kee Avil – Spine – 9. under – (Constellation) – 53:37

Matthias Loibner – Des Teufels Bad (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) – 3. Lenz – (Solfo) – 58:01
Soap&Skin – Des Teufels Bad (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) – 4. Rattengift – (Solfo) – 1:01:27
Soap&Skin – Des Teufels Bad (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) – 5. Schlauch – (Solfo) – 1:05:03
Soap&Skin – Des Teufels Bad (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) – 9. Gedächtnis – (Solfo) – 1:07:03

Danny Clay – No More Darkness, No More Night – 3. Part 2 – (laaps) – 1:12:34
Danny Clay – No More Darkness, No More Night – 4. Part 3 – (laaps) – 1:15:44
Danny Clay – No More Darkness, No More Night – 5. Part 4 – (laaps) – 1:21:16

Enrico Coniglio – The Sirens Of Titan – 1. Flooded – (Dronarivm) – 1:25:20
Enrico Coniglio – The Sirens Of Titan – 2. As They Arise – (Dronarivm) – 1:29:48
Enrico Coniglio – The Sirens Of Titan – 6. 1995 – (Dronarivm) – 1:37:20

Seabuckthorn – this warm, this late – 4. More Time Than Not – (Quiet Details) – 1:40:57
Seabuckthorn – this warm, this late – 6. Ley Line – (Quiet Details) – 1:44:23
Seabuckthorn – this warm, this late – 10. The Lights All Out – (Quiet Details) – 1:48:29

JARR – All These Past Lives – 2. Bulbs – (Sound In Silence) – 1:51:35
JARR – All These Past Lives – 3. Cartographer Maps A Way – (Sound In Silence) – 1:57:06
JARR – All These Past Lives – 7. A God At The Door – (Sound In Silence) – 2:04:11

door Jan Willem Broek



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