Senzor AM 697

De onregelmatige maar toch met enige regelmaat terugkerende mixsessie bomvol nieuwe muziek:



Amon Dunes – Death Jokes – 4. What I Want – (Sub Pop) – 0:00
Amon Dunes – Death Jokes – 5. Rugby Child – (Sub Pop) – 2:43
Amon Dunes – Death Jokes – 10. Purple Land – (Sub Pop) – 6:03

Popsysze – E.T.R. – 2. Słońce – (Zoharum) – 10:56
Popsysze – E.T.R. – 4. Wieje Wiatr – (Zoharum) – 16:45
Popsysze – E.T.R. – 7. Czerwone Światło – (Zoharum) – 22:23

St. Vincent – All Born Screaming – 1. Hell Is Near – (Total Pleasure Records/ Fiction) – 28:17
St. Vincent – All Born Screaming – 2. Reckless – (Total Pleasure Records/ Fiction) – 32:26
St. Vincent – All Born Screaming – 6. Violent Times – (Total Pleasure Records/ Fiction) – 36:23

Madeleine Cocolas – Bodies – 2. Drift – (Room40) – 40:20
Madeleine Cocolas – Bodies – 6. Bodies II – (Room40) – 46:21

Elif Yalvaç – Vection – 1. Telesto – (Eliane Tapes / Moving Furniture Records) – 56:47
Elif Yalvaç – Vection – 2. Vection – (Eliane Tapes / Moving Furniture Records) – 1:03:38
Elif Yalvaç – Vection – 4. Theia – (Eliane Tapes / Moving Furniture Records) – 1:09:10

Maëror Tri – Ambient Dreams – 1. Window To The Absolute – (Zoharum) – 1:12:55
Maëror Tri – Ambient Dreams – 4. Piano Bursting Soul – (Zoharum) – 1:17:28
Maëror Tri – Ambient Dreams – 5. Flute Of The Sun – (Zoharum) – 1:20:39

Nimh – Before And After Silence – 3. Part 03 – (Zoharum) – 1:24:59
Nimh – Before And After Silence – 4. Part 04 – (Zoharum) – 1:32:08
Nimh – Before And After Silence – 5. Part 05 – (Zoharum) – 1:35:38

Rafał Kołacki – Mowa Tworzenia – 3. Ark – (Zoharum) – 1:41;56
Rafał Kołacki – Mowa Tworzenia – 4. Dziewięć Kocich Żywiołów – (Zoharum) – 1:47:38
Rafał Kołacki – Mowa Tworzenia – 7. Bazahr – (Zoharum) – 1:49:36

Tunnels Of Āh – The Charnel Working +The Klesha File – 2. Bani The Kite Of Spiteshing – (Zoharum) – 1:55:01
Tunnels Of Āh – The Charnel Working +The Klesha File – 3. Jieba – (Zoharum) – 2:00:23
Tunnels Of Āh – The Charnel Working +The Klesha File – 9. Life As Meat Cleansed – (Zoharum) – 2:05:17

door Jan Willem Broek



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