Senzor AM 714

De onregelmatige maar toch met enige regelmaat terugkerende mixsessie bomvol nieuwe muziek:



El Khat – Mute – 2. La waLa – (Glitterbeat) – 0:00
El Khat – Mute – 4.Commodore Lothan – (Glitterbeat) – 5:12
El Khat – Mute – 6. Zafa – (Glitterbeat) – 10:21

Buzz’ Ayaz – Buzz’ Ayaz – 1. Buzzi Ayazi – (Glitterbeat) – 14:45
Buzz’ Ayaz – Buzz’ Ayaz – 4. Zali – (Glitterbeat) – 19:24
Buzz’ Ayaz – Buzz’ Ayaz – 5. Arkos – (Glitterbeat) – 23:20

Neighbours Burning Neighbours – Burning Neighbours – 1. Trans Youth – (Subroutine) – 27:27
Neighbours Burning Neighbours – Burning Neighbours – 5. Neil Young – (Subroutine) – 32:22
Neighbours Burning Neighbours – Burning Neighbours – 8. Cotton Brain – (Subroutine) – 36:41

Bright Eyes feat. Chan Marshall – Five Dice, All Threes – 6. All Threes – (Dead Oceans) – 43:23
Bright Eyes – Five Dice, All Threes – 8. Hate – (Dead Oceans) – 48:47
Bright Eyes feat. Matt Berninger – Five Dice, All Threes – 12. The Time I Have Left – (Dead Oceans) – 53:39

Wysteria – Lycoris – 2. Rain – (Ici D’Ailleurs) – 57:11
Wysteria – Lycoris – 5. A Mess Like This – (Ici D’Ailleurs) – 1:00:56
Wysteria – Lycoris – 8. Kill Me Twice – (Ici D’Ailleurs) – 1:04:17

Geneviève Beaulieu – Augury – 1. La Chanson De Coyote – (Union Finale) – 1:09:54
Geneviève Beaulieu – Augury – 2. The Longest Trail – (Union Finale) – 1:14:10
Geneviève Beaulieu – Augury – 5. Severed Head – (Union Finale) – 1:18:33

Midwife – No Depression In Heaven – 1. Rock N Roll Never Forgets – (The Flenser) – 1:24:27
Midwife – No Depression In Heaven – 4. Vanessa – (The Flenser) – 1:31:34
Midwife – No Depression In Heaven – 6. Better Off Alone – (The Flenser) – 1:38:11

Rothko – Bury My Heart In The Mountains – 1. Monte San Giogio – (Trace Recordings) – 1:41:04
Rothko – Bury My Heart In The Mountains – 2. Lyksamm – (Trace Recordings) – 1:52:37

Malcolm Pardon – The Abyss – 4. The End – (Leaf) – 1:59:55
Malcolm Pardon – The Abyss – 6. Enter The Void – (Leaf) – 2:03:13
Malcolm Pardon – The Abyss – 7. Separate Ways – (Leaf) – 2:07:13

door Jan Willem Broek



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