Senzor AM 706

De onregelmatige maar toch met enige regelmaat terugkerende mixsessie bomvol nieuwe muziek:



Washed Out – Notes From A Quiet Life – 1. Waking Up – (Sub Pop) – 0:00
Washed Out – Notes From A Quiet Life – 6. Second Sight – (Sub Pop) – 4:41
Washed Out – Notes From A Quiet Life – 9. Wondrous Life – (Sub Pop) – 8:23

Liz Lawrence – Peanuts – 3. No One – (Chrysalis) – 12:26
Liz Lawrence – Peanuts – 6. No Worries If Not – (Chrysalis) – 16:06
Liz Lawrence – Peanuts – 8. Nitrogen – (Chrysalis) – 18:25

Cranes – Self Non Self – 3. Heaven Or Bliss – (Cherry Red) – 21:21
Cranes – Self Non Self – 5. Focus Breathe – (Cherry Red) – 25:36
Cranes – Self Non Self – 10. Self-Non-Self – (Cherry Red) – 29:30
Cranes – Wings Of Joy – 5. Starblood – (Cherry Red) – 31:44
Cranes – Wings Of Joy – 16. I Hope – (Cherry Red) – 35:21
Cranes – Wings Of Joy – 17. E.G. Shining – (Cherry Red) – 39:20
Cranes – Forever – 1. Everywhere – (Cherry Red) – 43:07
Cranes – Forever – 5. Adrift – (Cherry Red) – 46:47
Cranes – Forever – 12. Leave Her To Heaven (I) – (Cherry Red) – 51:59
Cranes – Loved – 1. Shining Road – (Cherry Red) – 55:42
Cranes – Loved – 5. Are You Gone? – (Cherry Red) – 59:33
Cranes – Loved – 12. September – (Cherry Red) – 1:02:31
Cranes – Population Four – 4. Can’t Get Free – (Cherry Red) – 1:07:02
Cranes – Population Four – 12. Wild Yellow Bloom – (Cherry Red) – 1:09:51
Cranes – Population Four – 16. Pier Scene From Scarborough Ahoy! – (Cherry Red) – 1:14:13
Cranes – La Tragedie d’ Oreste et Electre – 2. Oreste et Électre – (Cherry Red) – 1:16:03

Julie Christmas – Ridiculous And Full Of Blood – 2. Supernatural – (Siviana/ Red Creek) – 1:21:53
Julie Christmas Ft. Johannes Persson – Ridiculous And Full Of Blood – 5. End Of The World – (Siviana/ Red Creek) – 1:25:28
Julie Christmas – Ridiculous And Full Of Blood – 8. The Lighthouse – (Siviana/ Red Creek) – 1:31:10

Dirty Three – Love Changes Everything – 1. Love Changes Everything I – (Bella Union) – 1:36:56
Dirty Three – Love Changes Everything – 2. Love Changes Everything II – (Bella Union) – 1:41:34
Dirty Three – Love Changes Everything – 4. Love Changes Everything IV – (Bella Union) – 1:47:54

Optimal – Rolling Stock – 5. Please Let Me Sleep – (Ropeworm) – 1:53:49
Optimal – Rolling Stock – 8. Rolling Stock – (Ropeworm) – 1:57:42
Optimal – Rolling Stock – 10. Snare Buzz – (Ropeworm) – 2:01:59

door Jan Willem Broek



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