Senzor AM 705

De onregelmatige maar toch met enige regelmaat terugkerende mixsessie bomvol nieuwe muziek:



Klimperei – Les Yeux Qui S’Ouvrent – 7. Bouquet Lent – (Anti-Demos-Cracia) – 0:00
Klimperei – Les Yeux Qui S’Ouvrent – 9. Les Yeux Qui S’Ouvrent – (Anti-Demos-Cracia) – 2:08
Klimperei – Les Yeux Qui S’Ouvrent – 11. à F – (Anti-Demos-Cracia) – 5:11

Martin Kuiper – To Feel Is To Believe – 3. Ordinary Magic – (Behind The Music) – 8:23
Martin Kuiper – To Feel Is To Believe – 5. Mood – (Behind The Music) – 11:33
Martin Kuiper – To Feel Is To Believe – 7. Ice Flower – (Behind The Music) – 14:56

Viper Mad – Neon – 1. Before I Let You Go – (Kulter) – 18:25
Viper Mad – Neon – 2. Lowdown – (Kulter) – 21:32
Viper Mad – Neon – 3. Light The Way – (Kulter) – 25:48

Girls In Synthesis – Sublimation – 1. Lights Out – (Own It Music) – 30:20
Girls In Synthesis – Sublimation – 4. We Are Here – (Own It Music) – 35:36
Girls In Synthesis – Sublimation – 10. The Prefix – (Own It Music) – 39:06

Insect Ark – Raw Blood Singing – 2. The Frozen Lake – (Debemur Morti) – 43:16
Insect Ark – Raw Blood Singing – 3. Youth Body Swayed – (Debemur Morti) – 50:45
Insect Ark – Raw Blood Singing – 6. Psychological Jackal – (Debemur Morti) – 57:51

Myriad Drone – Arka Morgana – 1. Time Enough At Last – (Bird’s Robe) – 1:06:12
Myriad Drone – Arka Morgana – 3. Arka Morgana – (Bird’s Robe) – 1:13:11

Echotide – As Our FAloodlights Gave Way To Dawn – 3. 3mwy (Of Hope) – (Bird’s Robe) – 1:22:12
Echotide – As Our Floodlights Gave Way To Dawn – 6. Stillwaters – (Bird’s Robe) – 1:27:48

Halma – Driving By Numbers – 2. By The Way – (Kapitän Platte) – 1:38:04
Halma – Driving By Numbers – 4. Driving By Numbers – (Kapitän Platte) – 1:46:32

Mono – Oath – 2. Oath – (Pelagic) – 1:55:32
Mono – Oath – 7. Hourglass – (Pelagic) – 2:00:11
Mono – Oath – 11. Time Goes By – (Pelagic) – 2:05:00

door Jan Willem Broek



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